Thursday, August 8, 2019

Utility tunnels – Examples from around the world

Japan – Shin Sugita duct in Yokohama, Japan is 220Km long common utility duct that has been designed to carry many different kinds of utility lines, including gas, electricity, water, sewage and other types of infrastructure that are indispensable to citizens’ daily lives. Once a common utility duct has been constructed, it is no longer necessary to excavate the street every time something has to be replaced. Furthermore, if an earthquake or other major disaster occurs, the damage can be quickly pinpointed and repaired.

Singapore - Singapore has developed a common services tunnel in the Marina Bay area. This is Southeast Asia’s first multi-utility tunnel.

Germany – Breman has utility networks housed in a cluster of pipes that are located under footways and cycleways.

Taiwan – Taipei has developed 50km of utility tunnels and over 300 km of smaller utility ducts. This allows maintenance to be done without digging up roads, which, in turn, reduces traffic congestion.

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