Friday, June 14, 2019

How does spirituality work?

Mind Intellect and virtues combined together form a unique Energy formation called AATMA. This acts as a driver for the body and operates at an invisible level to drive all actions in the physical world. Emotions are additional controls for AATMA other than logic, to undertake or not to undertake any activity. Emotions generated as one of the outcomes of any activity by humans and help in learning further. Hence AATMA continuously learns based on experiences with Nature earth and universe. AATMA has many assumptions of good and bad for oneself, all are based on certain attributes which aatma likes. for example, If any activity gives respect or hatred,  aatma has decision engine which continuously evolves and learns. The different roles we play in this world at different places with different objects, all are taken care of by aatma learning engine. 
One dimension is aatma works for self=body+ belongings + future hopes+ self-definition of happiness and achievement.
Aatma continuously worries to protect the self and to meet the variety of needs of self.
During this process, aatma feels emotions of SUKH or DUKH. based on gain or loss. for example, if Aatma feels that it has lost something precious( anything is considered precious by aatma means aatma feels proud or happiness to possess it ) it feels DUKH, a feeling which drives aatma for actions to protect what is being lost.

so aatma keeps on making a recording of gain and loss which are further used by aatma at every decision making.
So the association of aatma with many worldly objects and relations makes aatma engine a complex machine. Which deteriorates and feeling of fear and runaway percolate. This makes aatma an ASHANT entity and then SUKH reduces.
So the association is the main cause of DUKH. 

The question remains How to make aatma better and happy ? and answer is in spirituality.

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